Centreret Ridning På Fyn v/ Maja Caspersen. Dato 22, 23 oktober.
Velkommen til en weekend, hvor du vil forbedre og udvikle din opstilling, balance og indføling med hesten. Alt for ofte glemmer vi at rytterens sæde, balance og evne til “at lede hesten i dansen” er nøglen til at hesten kan komme i balance og bæring. Derfor bydes du hjertelig velkommen til denne weekend, hvor fokus er på din rytteruddannelse…. Som rytter er du hestens “danselærer” og “fitnesstræner”. Derfor er din uddannelse i balance, koordination og lethed helt uundværlig, for at du kan lærer dette videre til hesten.
Program: Begge dage: 10-12 teori og øvelser uden hest. 12-13 Frokost. 13-17 lektioner. Alle rider en time, to og to.
Sted: Lillemarksgyden 13, 5560 Aarup (Tæt på motorvejen.) Intropris: 875,- incl. moms for rideplads. Boks 160,- Betales ved ankomst. Teori deltager: 375 ,-
Der er 8 ridepladser i alt. Har du ikke mulighed for at medbringe egen hest kan du leje en af mine heste: 160,- betales ved ankomst.
Tilmelding: mail@livsridekunst.dk
https://livsridekunst.dk/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/header_624x400.png00Maja Caspersenhttps://livsridekunst.dk/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/header_624x400.pngMaja Caspersen2011-08-26 21:37:042011-09-19 23:52:15“Bliv et med hesten”
This summer I was in Norway to visit my good friend and colleague Christine Mortensen. Here you can see a clip from your amazing Horse Adventure.
https://livsridekunst.dk/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/header_624x400.png00Maja Caspersenhttps://livsridekunst.dk/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/header_624x400.pngMaja Caspersen2011-08-17 19:24:042011-08-17 19:25:33This could be heaven!
To become a knight, squires do not only have to do a longe test but also a groundwork / handwork test.
This test can be done with a cavesson, with a longe (groundwork) or with reins (work in hand) and a wooden hand wip. In work in hand also a bit can be used.
The groundwork/handwork test consists the walk exercises of the squiretest.
All new knights must do the longetest and groundwork/work in hand test.
Order of the tests A rider can do the following tests: 1. The squiretest (basic test to enter the knighthood) 2. The longetest 3. The groundwork/handwork test
After these three steps/tests, the squire can do the following:
1. He/she can do the knighttest to become a knight. 2. He/she can educate a new squire to become an ‘advanced squire’
Advanced Squire * The advanced squire is allowed to bring his/her new squire to the round table. * The advanced squire is allowed to speak at the round table. * The advanced squire is not allowed to vote at the round table. * Advanced squires will be named on the website with their squire(s).
Active squire A squire has to show the basic level of squire again within 3 years OR educate a new squire.
School halt – Parada d’Escuela All members of the knighthood are invited to gather material like pictures, text, sculptures, copper prints etc. to talk next year about the ‘school halt’ to expand the knowledge about this exercise.
Members of the knighthood can also bring a tape of their horse with a performance of this exercise.
“Bliv et med hesten”
Begivenheder, BlogCentreret Ridning
På Fyn
v/ Maja Caspersen.
Dato 22, 23 oktober.
Velkommen til en weekend, hvor du vil forbedre og udvikle din opstilling, balance og indføling med hesten.
Alt for ofte glemmer vi at rytterens sæde, balance og evne til “at lede hesten i dansen” er nøglen til at hesten kan komme i balance og bæring. Derfor bydes du hjertelig velkommen til denne weekend, hvor fokus er på din rytteruddannelse…. Som rytter er du hestens “danselærer” og “fitnesstræner”. Derfor er din uddannelse i balance, koordination og lethed helt uundværlig, for at du kan lærer dette videre til hesten.
Begge dage:
10-12 teori og øvelser uden hest.
12-13 Frokost.
13-17 lektioner. Alle rider en time, to og to.
Sted: Lillemarksgyden 13, 5560 Aarup (Tæt på motorvejen.)
Intropris: 875,- incl. moms for rideplads.
Boks 160,- Betales ved ankomst.
Teori deltager: 375 ,-
Der er 8 ridepladser i alt. Har du ikke mulighed for at medbringe egen hest kan du leje en af mine heste: 160,- betales ved ankomst.
This could be heaven!
Begivenheder, VideoerThis summer I was in Norway to visit my good friend and colleague Christine Mortensen. Here you can see a clip from your amazing Horse Adventure.
Referat fra årets SommerAkademi
Begivenheder, BlogDescisions at the Round Table
Groundwork/handwork test
To become a knight, squires do not only have to do a longe test but also a groundwork / handwork test.
This test can be done with a cavesson, with a longe (groundwork) or with reins (work in hand) and a wooden hand wip. In work in hand also a bit can be used.
The groundwork/handwork test consists the walk exercises of the squiretest.
All new knights must do the longetest and groundwork/work in hand test.
Order of the tests
A rider can do the following tests:
1. The squiretest (basic test to enter the knighthood)
2. The longetest
3. The groundwork/handwork test
After these three steps/tests, the squire can do the following:
1. He/she can do the knighttest to become a knight.
2. He/she can educate a new squire to become an ‘advanced squire’
Advanced Squire
* The advanced squire is allowed to bring his/her new squire to the round table.
* The advanced squire is allowed to speak at the round table.
* The advanced squire is not allowed to vote at the round table.
* Advanced squires will be named on the website with their squire(s).
Active squire
A squire has to show the basic level of squire again within 3 years OR educate a new squire.
School halt – Parada d’Escuela
All members of the knighthood are invited to gather material like pictures, text, sculptures, copper prints etc. to talk next year about the ‘school halt’ to expand the knowledge about this exercise.
Members of the knighthood can also bring a tape of their horse with a performance of this exercise.
Læs mere på www.knighthoodoftheacademicartofriding.eu